Thursday, July 10, 2008

Let's debate innovation in Australian bank marketing

What’s more important in the current climate: Sticking to traditional messages that promote trust in your brand, or embracing innovative Web 2.0 marketing efforts? Can financial services marketers do both?

This is just one of the issues participants will be debating at this year’s Online Banking Review Marketing forum coming up in Sydney on August 28.

Ahead of the forum we’d like to open up the discussion to our audience. We'd love to hear your opinion on the current state of affairs in financial services marketing.

Is the current culture of online participation causing damage to bank brands?

Should marketers be re-directing the money they spend on TV campaigns to building better products & services that will then be spread via online networks?

How can financial services marketers get away from the current price-driven focus of online marketing activity?

Are we getting closer to the death of the campaign where activity is ongoing and integrated campaigns are less important?

We’ll be discussing these issues in more depth when we break for an interactive roundtable session being led by Hitwise analyst Sandra Hanchard at the forum.

Register for the forum before July 31 and you can take-advantage of our early-bird offer to bring a colleague for free. This offer will end on July 31, so let your colleagues/clients know about it today.

Speakers are already confirmed from Forrester Research, HSBC, Google, Ideal Interfaces, Commonwealth Bank, RaboPlus, and Citibank, with more to come.

I look forward to continuing the conversation..


Unknown said...

Hi Charis,

One of Serverside Group’s customers in the US - Capital One - have placed on-line card personalisation at the centre of their on-line marketing campaign. Cardholders can personalise a number of their financial card products including Visa, MasterCard and Small Business. Two things that I thought you might find interesting:

Flickr App:
Traditionally our issuers either provide the choice to upload your own photo or you choose from library of images. Cap One have added a third option – you can sign into your Flikr account (online photo sharing site) and all your images will appear for you to choose from. It’s a nice piece of web integration and Web 2.0 interactive marketing. Check out Capital One Image Card

Also I thought it interesting that all of Capital One's adverts now appear on YouTube. Some getting over 50,000 views. Check out:
Cap One Galatica advert
Cap One Mega Villain advert
Cap One Mad Scientist advert

Whilst on about YouTube did you see Westpac ATM sketch? This was a video sketch from the 2006 University of Queensland Law Revue and winner at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Open Season Short Film Competition back in 2006. It just shows how long content remains on-line. Plus, I don't know for sure, but I'd guess it wasn't Westpac who uploaded the video yet its the first video that comes up if you search for Westpac on YouTube.

Ericwipe287 said...

Your post is very interesting. Really, now the time has come at which we have to talk about innovation.

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